My eyes make their way to my mom's breasts. Wow, my first time seeing breasts other than internet porn. I could not believe how firm my mom's breasts were at age 42. She had what I assume is a full B cup. My penis was instantly hard. I looked at her nipples and they were my favorite kind, the type with barely and round circles around the nipple. I dropped my shorts a bit so that my penis was able to get full hard without any constraint. I started stroking my penis and could not believe how horny it make me to be fully hard with my penis exposed right in front of my mom. She could remove that shade at any moment and see my rock hard cock staring back at her. Most of the blood was currently feeding the wrong head. I just had to do more. I remember the conversation she had with her friend the week prior and decided to try my luck. I reached out and gave my mom's breast a soft squeeze. She jumped a little not expecting to be touched I assume but then she just smiled and put her arms to. It feels just as good as getting fucked up the cunt, maybe even better." "How would you know, darling?" Alicia was starting to squirm. Tingles flooded her asshole. "Let's just say I've talked to a lot of girls about it. Most of 'em love getting ass-fucked. Bet you'd love it too, Mom. Wanna try it?" "I don't know," Alicia said, loving her son's dirty talk. "Won't it hurt?" "Just for a few seconds. After that, you'll go crazy." Alicia braced herself. She was shaking. "Give it to me, darling. But go easy." "Just relax," Mark said, grinding his prickhead against her asshole. He forced her asscheeks wide, bore down with his cock. Alicia held her breath. She felt her asshole being forced open. Suddenly, Mark's huge cock-knob slipped inside her. She gasped, panting rapidly, her ass pucker splitting with a thousand burning fissures. "Oh, Mark, God!" "Tight ass!" Mark growled. "Oh, yeah!" He buried his cock in her asshole to the.
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